Free sample courses

Try these free sample courses for a taste of MicroLearning.


Bagaimana cara menyediakan akomodasi tamu yang luar biasa (How to provide excellent guest accommodation: Indonesian)

Kursus ini akan mengajarkan Anda apa yang diharapkan tamu saat ini saat mereka memesan akomodasi, bagaimana Anda bisa memenuhi kebutuhan mereka dan memastikan mereka memiliki masa inap yang menyenangkan dan hanya meninggalkan ulasan yang positif.

ChatGPT: Your Tourism AI Assistant

???? Know How to Use ChatGPT: You'll learn how to set up your own ChatGPT account and find your way around its features.
???? Provide Better Customer Service with ChatGPT: You'll find out how to use ChatGPT to answer customer questions quickly and give them personalized help.

illustration of people cooking

Choreographing Local Food Tourism

Through this course, you will learn about a collaborative way to promote a local food tourism destination and develop skills to do that for your business community and/or organisation.

digital marketing illustration

Digital Marketing for Tour Guides

In this course you will learn how to promote your tour business on the exciting and fast-paced platforms of Facebook, Instagram and Google.

How to Provide Excellent Guest Accommodation

This course will teach you what guests today expect when they book into accommodation, how you can meet their needs and ensure that they have a happy stay and leave only positive reviews.


Sample: ChatGPT – Your Tourism AI Assistant

???? Know How to Use ChatGPT
???? Provide Better Customer Service


Sample: Choreographing Local Food Tourism

A Food Tourism Choreography will help guide you and your community to utilise more local food, ingredients and recipes to create a food tourism destination.


Как обеспечить гостям отличные условия для размещения (Russian)

Благодаря этому курсу Вы поймете, что ожидают гости, когда бронируют жилье у Вас, а также каким образом удовлетворить их потребности и обеспечить комфортное пребывание, в результате которого они оставят положительный отзыв.


التميز في خدمة النقل السياح (Service excellence for tourist transportation)

هل سبق لك أن سألت نفسك كيف يشعر الركاب عند استخدام خدمة النقل والمواصلات التي تقدمها؟

هل يشعرون أنه مرحب بهم؟ هل يشعرون بالأمان؟ هل يشعرون بالسرور؟
سنتعرف في هذه الدورة على الجوانب المختلفة لخدمة الزبائن، وتحديداً المهارات الناعمة المطلوبة مثل الاتصال والتواصل، وحل
المشاكل، والتعاطف والود - والسبب في كونها مهمة.

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